Decarbonise Your Fleet Today
Argent Fuels is the UK’s leading producer of sustainable biodiesel and a trusted fuel supplier. We specialize in waste-based biodiesel, high-blend fuels, and biogenic fuels, empowering our customers to significantly reduce their carbon emissions and achieve their sustainability goals. Our knowledge of the industry, service excellence and ability to deliver across our customers’ needs make us a preferred supplier to businesses looking for an environmentally friendly and financially sustainable way to reduce their carbon footprint.

Save around 90% on your CO₂ Greenhouse Gas emissions when using Argent’s waste-based biodiesel.

Argent’s biodiesel and biogenic fuels are versatile solutions suitable for a wide range of transport sectors, including road, rail, marine, and off-road applications. They are also ideal for high-energy-intensive industries such as glass, ceramics,
Our Services

As part of Argent Energy, Argent led the way in pioneering large-scale commercial biodiesel production in the UK and has since become the nation’s leading sustainable biodiesel producer and fuel supplier.

We specialise in creating clean, green fuel from certified waste resources that would otherwise be discarded. Our goal is to repurpose waste oils and fats from the food and feed industries, giving them a new life as sustainable energy.
Customer Testimonials
We’ve been working with Argent Fuels now for some time. The friendly staff have given us consistently competitive pricing. Vehicle performance has not changed and we have been very pleased with the product – so much so that we are now using a 30% mix (B30)”
Stewart Hymas, Alfred Hymas Ltd
E&M Horsburgh have been a customer of Argent Fuels for some time, the staff are very friendly and the prices given on the B20 product is very competitive.”
Shona, Managing Director at E&M Horsborough Ltd
Completing our switch to this lower emission fuel is helping us to achieve environmental benefits now, and on a commercially viable basis.”
Vitto Pizzuti, Operations Director at Transdev